My Tiger Barbs Have Ich Please Help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 20, 2012
I live in Sri Lanka a small tropical country
I did a partial around 90% water change when I'm doing that I noticed that some of my green barbs and 0ne tiger barb have whit colored spots on there fines.

Then I did a little research and found that this is called Ich. When first got them my dealer told me to add some slat and some Methylene Blue to fight it because it's the rainy season here in Sri Lanka. I did that but they still got it so I today I put in Methylene Blue not salt also did the water change.

So what should I do is there any medicine or any treatment specific to barbs please help.

NOTE: I don't have a water heater and our LFS don't have heaters available.
The typical treatment would be to raise the heat to 86 F. Perhaps in your case you could wrap heavy towels around the tank to sustain the heat.

Add an airstone to increase oxygenation.

Do gravel vacs every 2-3 days to remove ich spore from substrate.

Ich gets worse before it gets better. Without raising the heat, it could take some time or you could lose all your fish.

I can't recommend meds as I don't use them.
Guys I think there treatment is working for Ich issue what I'm using is methylene blue and salt. When I checked today the whit spots have reduced and fish looks ok.

I did a partial 50% water change today and did the same thing and have to continue this till I get rid of the Ich. I'll keep you guys posted on the progress.
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