Mystery snail changed sexes???

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 27, 2021
I have a 10 and a 5 gallon betta tank with 2 mystery snails in each. The snails were initially all in my 10 gallon until I noticed my gold & purple ones were always mating, so I moved the purple one to my 5 gallon as I don’t particularly want baby snails. Eventually I noticed the gold and blue ones started mating as well, so I moved the blue one over with my purple one, as it was obvious now that they were both females. Well, this morning, I woke up to the purple and blue snails somehow mating, despite them both previously mating with the male gold snail.
When I first got snails I only decided to get multiple because I had read everywhere that mystery snails are not hermaphrodites and do not change sexes, so I figured I could separate the males and females…but apparently that has to be wrong?
I’m generally just really confused and don’t know if separating the snails will do anything at this point.
Has anyone else had this happen?
Hello and welcome.

There is specifically a male and female Mystery Snail.

They could be trying to mate even if the wrong sex. Also you could have been mistaken about which was male and female.

applesnail . net shows how to identify male and female.

Also females may come out of the water to lay eggs even if they are not fertile.
Ahh, that makes sense. I think it’s likely that they were trying to mate with the same sex but aren’t actually mating. Thank you!

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