Mystery Snail Eggs

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 8, 2009
Oak Forest, IL
So I was doing a water change today and I found two clutches of mystery snail eggs on the underside of my hood. I did a little research and found that they'll hatch on their own in a couple weeks and the babies will drop into the tank.

Now that's all well and good. My question is what do I feed all these snails? I already have three mystery snails and a few thousand MTS in my 29g tank, so I don't think there's enough sustenance in the tank to support more snails and I don't want to overfeed with flakes.

What's the food of choice? Blanched zuchini? Romaine lettuce?
all those are great ideas. i have some food with extra calcium in it too. all those snails in one tank its hard to keep the shells top notch.

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