Mystery Snails

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 16, 2014
What is the best way to feed my mystery snails? Do they not eat a whole lot? I have three of them and they never seem to eat a whole algae wafer. Also should I be worried about they using their snorkel to get air often?
try feeding zucchini and cucumber also. Have you checked your water parameters? That will help tell why they are seeking air in that manner. How big are the snails? What else is in the tank?
Well, I own a gold mystery snail and I know exactly what to feed these adorable creatures!
First of all feed them at night when they are most active
-algae wafers
-left over food
-lightly boiled cucumber
-lightly boiled lettuce
These are some but just look it up and you will find a lot of food suggestions!

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