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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 26, 2012
Ok I bought my stand and gonna use Tropic Eden Reeflakes as well as some Marco rocks with a few pounds of live rock to seed it. all I'm missing is the tank lol. I was going to petsmart to purchase the 50 gallon tank. BUT I don't know if I should go acrylic or glass. Everyone says acrylic but I KNOW it scratches easy and the space to work is limited due to the cut outs on top and the filter cut out on the back. BUT with glass my only fear is it cracking as I'm on the third floor in an apartment. I'm already paranoid about the floor supporting a 50 gallon reef tank and stand lol.

Also Is it ok to epoxy the Dry rock to the shape I want and then put it in the tank?

And lastly i LOVE the look of Xenia coral. Will a Clown fish host a xenia or no and are emerald crabs ok or will they get aggressive and eat my fish. I know its alot of questions. But dont wanna end up in a disaster. Thanks alot guys!!:thanks:
It's really up to you and the consideration of the pros and cons of both. I have a glass aquarium, but I rather have an acrylic, the only thing is that it's about twice as much. I have about 70 gallon + sump making it about 90 lbs, 90 lbs sand, and about 70 lbs rock on the second floor of my house. I was pretty nervous about the weight too, but we checked and made sure it was fine. The only thing is, it could fall or cause lots of damage if there is an earthquake :( or leaks. I doubt the glass will break, but if you want to be on the safer side acrylic would probably be the better choice.
OK I was wondering cause I was told petsmart brand glass aquarium (top Fin) are very poorly made.
ChiTownRomeo said:
Ok I bought my stand and gonna use Tropic Eden Reeflakes as well as some Marco rocks with a few pounds of live rock to seed it. all I'm missing is the tank lol. I was going to petsmart to purchase the 50 gallon tank. BUT I don't know if I should go acrylic or glass. Everyone says acrylic but I KNOW it scratches easy and the space to work is limited due to the cut outs on top and the filter cut out on the back. BUT with glass my only fear is it cracking as I'm on the third floor in an apartment. I'm already paranoid about the floor supporting a 50 gallon reef tank and stand lol.

Also Is it ok to epoxy the Dry rock to the shape I want and then put it in the tank?

And lastly i LOVE the look of Xenia coral. Will a Clown fish host a xenia or no and are emerald crabs ok or will they get aggressive and eat my fish. I know its alot of questions. But dont wanna end up in a disaster. Thanks alot guys!!:thanks:

The glass would never likely break unless it was struck pretty hard by something. In my opinion the only legitimate use that acrylic has over glass when it comes to smaller tanks is clarity. Its a decision you personally will have to make tho. Me i would just go glass and save the money, also way to easy to scratch acrylic. With a glass tank you rarely have to worry about it.

Yes you can epoxy the rocks. Make sure your using a reef safe epoxy of course. Also be sure whatever you glue together is not gonna fall.

Clown fish will host nearly anything, however your chances of persuading them to host your xenia is pretty small. Also emeralds are ok however they have been know to eat Zoanthids if hungry. They can become very opportunistic if not enough algae is present in the tank. Becuase of this they have been know to go after fish when within range however very unlikely they could catch a healthy fish. Most people do not encounter many problems with them.
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