Need advice on backup air pump

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 9, 2013
Came back home after a few days away and noticed that a goldfish had died. Apparently power went out for a few hours. I have a 55 gallon tank with 1 pleco and now 2 goldfish.

I'm looking for some sort of backup in case I'm not home and the power goes out. I need something that will automatically kick in when the power goes out and turn off when the power goes back on. A generator is not an option. I would be open to a UPS, but I know they can be costly. I found several smaller devices with mixed reviews.

Aquarium Air Pumps: Azoo Battery Backup Pump

Air Pod Battery Back Up Air Pump

Can anyone recommend a reliable unit?

Well you will need something like a PC ups

You can buy cheap second hand ones apc are the best value for money

You plug in a air pump to the backup and if power goes out it flicks over to battery

I have a large backup system but it needs to be flicked over to battery by hand

I'm lucky if my power goes out my Aquatronica system sends me a SMS message so I then go home and flick it over

The amount of time you get out of the battery depends how much power you are using
The PC apc unit should run just a air pump for about 3 hours

Mine I have 4 big caravan batteries and the can run my tank at half power 800w for about 8 hours

I also have a trickle charger to keep it all charged




The apc units are cheap but very heavy so the shipping is expensive

This is probably over kill for what you need but you did ask lol
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