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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 30, 2018
I have 60 gallon tank with a wet/dry filtration system rated for 125 gallons with a pump cycle rate of about 7 or higher. I decided to do longtime over due cleanup on my filter and I cleaned 1/2 of the bio balls last week. I didn't think cleaning 50% of the filter would be that big of a deal. So I got around to checking the water the next day and I am in crisis mode now! My ammonia spikes daily with nitrates following not far behind. I am changing about 20 gallons of water daily which is keeping the ammonia at about .25-.30 ppm and nitrates between 30 ppm and 50 ppm. My pH is 7.9 and water temperature 79 F. Is this an acceptable range to reestablish my filter and not kill my fish or should I pull even more water daily? Any ideas how long this could go on for realistically because I have never done an "in fish cycle." My fish are still juveniles between 3" and 7."

(1) Red Zebra
(1) Ice Blue Zebra
(1) Buccochromis Notolaenia
(1) Frontosa Burundi
(2) Yellow Labs
(1) Red Peacock
(1) Common Pleco
(1) Altolamprologus Compressiceps
(2) Haplochromis Nyererei
Fish-in Cycling: Step over into the dark side - Aquarium Advice

That article might be of assistance.

It is surprising how delicate of a system we have sometimes.

By cleaning did you gently swish things around or used tap water???

Might we assume you are feeding a bit more because they are juveniles?

One strategy is to feed several times a day - dividing the daily amount of foods to smaller amounts given per feeding to make sure the fish eat all the foods provided and pick up any leftovers if there are any.

Also cut back a little on foods til the BB get back up. Use some Api Quickstart or Dr. Tims. Differing opinions on how much this helps. Try some floating stems which are known for sucking up the Ammonia.

Buy some API Ammo-Chips or similar ammonia absorbing media. And do a couple back to back pwc.

Use Prime Water conditioner or similar product which will neutralize break down the dangerous Ammonia, NitrIte and NitrAte.

Other wise I would read the article and try to take out just a little more water.
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