need some opinions

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 28, 2011
Hello:] I have a saltwater tank but lookin to get into planted freshwater. But I'm having a hard time with choosing what to get.

I can either go to petco and pick up a 20gal with all the stuffs such as filter, heater, hood and all that jive.

Or I can go this Guy I found on Craigslist. He only has 10gal tanks for 10dollars and a t5 fixture for 55.

20 is as big as you can go? A 20 long will be much better than a 20 high. A 30g or 40g breeder would be even better. While there's nothing wrong with a 10g, you just can't do nearly as much with them (I have one... its tough).
mfdrookie516 said:
20 is as big as you can go? A 20 long will be much better than a 20 high. A 30g or 40g breeder would be even better. While there's nothing wrong with a 10g, you just can't do nearly as much with them (I have one... its tough).

I can go higher but I don't have much room haha my sw tank is a 37 bowfront.

And yeah for the 10 I just wanted plants and 1 Betta (10 gallons is better than a cup right?). Either that or a mini breeder for sw corals but I'd prefer to get that betta. The reason for the tough choice is because of that t5. Unfortunately it's for a 10 gal
Well... if you go with a 20 long, you can get a 30" T5HO for $70, so it would be $15 more and a high output fixture. Or, if you bump it up to a 3' tank, you can get a T5HO for $80
mfdrookie516 said:
Well... if you go with a 20 long, you can get a 30" T5HO for $70, so it would be $15 more and a high output fixture. Or, if you bump it up to a 3' tank, you can get a T5HO for $80

T5HO? what exactly is that? Because I've looked around for t5s and I find t5x2 and x4. Which puts me in a rut because the 2 bulb is 79 and the 4 bulb is 180. I've gotten opinions where the 2 bulb might not work for my 37gal because of not enough light
I think ill order some 2 bulbs ones then:] thanks for the help
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