need tips for creating staurogyne repens carpet

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 14, 2012
Central Florida
Well I was sent 2 staurogyne repens stems as an extra in my last plant order. There about an 1.5" I didn't know what to do with them at first but now I know. I'm going to use it as a foreground carpet. I've read some mixed things about getting it to grow out and not up.
First would I be better off going emersed?
Second once the roots establish I read I should top it off, can I plant the clippings of this like other stem plants?
Finally it is not a root feeder its a water column feeder correst?
Thanks yall.
My experience with staurogyne repens is limited but i find it to be a slow grower in comparison to my other moderate to high light plants. So two stems might take a looooong time to carpet. But i just recently started growing some emersed via the dry start method (DSM) and its been growing faster than the s. repens in my tank immersed. And yes, you can snip off the tops and replant. Just be careful not to snip too low because I've melted the base like that. The root system is actually quite long and robust. Not sure if that indicates its a root feeder, column feeder, or both. But based on that root system, I'd guess that a nutrient rich substrate or root tabs would help. Good supply of co2 and fert dosing of course.
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