New 45 gal

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 7, 2012
Hey, im jumping the gun here because I wont be getting the tank for about a month, & so the tank wont be ready for fish till like january. Im looking to get this tank for my school of tiger barbs, who r seriously stressing out the RS in my 55 (no nipping just very active). Im also hoping to use this tank for my lone zebra danio, who is currently in a 18 gal tank already to containing another school of fish. So im moving him to this tank in the hope of getting him some friends:). So my current planned stock is:

6 tiger barbs
6 zebra danios

The current plan for the tank is lightly planted with plenty of swimming space. Im wandering wat other fish I can put in here tht can go with these active fish? Im thinking either another school of sum kind or 1 larger centerpiece fish, eithr a BNP or 3-4 otos, & a type of bottom feeder(corys or maybe smaller loaches). Any suggestions? Im also wandering on whether I should use gravel or sand. Any help would b appreciated thanks :).
Bottom feeders investigate a bristlenose pleco if you go with gravel or cories/kuhli loaches if you go with sand.

Personally prefer sand as it's much cheaper and easier to clean and in addition looks great. However depending on what you intend to plant that may not be an option...
Bottom feeders investigate a bristlenose pleco if you go with gravel or cories/kuhli loaches if you go with sand.

Personally prefer sand as it's much cheaper and easier to clean and in addition looks great. However depending on what you intend to plant that may not be an option...

I dont hav any specific plants wat could work with sand? Or maybe I could do pots
Wat if I add 5 buenos aires tetras? Im trying to get some fish out of my 55
You still have room! How bout...
2 kribs
6 tiger barbs
5 buenos arius tetras
6 zebra danios
6 kuhli loaches
1 opaline gourami
You still have room! How bout...
2 kribs
6 tiger barbs
5 buenos arius tetras
6 zebra danios
6 kuhli loaches
1 opaline gourami

Hmm... I kinda like that. I had a krib before that was a bit aggressive but only ever towards my rainbow shark, plus I like the colors & ive always liked the look of the kuhli loaches & the opalines:) but wont the barbs nip the gourami? Or can they hold their own?
I like the kribs, besides she was only aggressive to the RS, but I kinda like gbr's too. :)
Well in a bigger tank like yours, you may have a chance at a female krib as a germane ram! But then you would need to cut to 4 kuhli as the bottom space would be into some of the cichlid territory. And also, you could add a bn pleco
That sounds cool:) so tht would be like

1 opaline gourami
6 zebra danios
8 tiger barbs
5 buenos aires tetras
4 kuhli loaches
1 bristlenose
1 krib
1 german blue ram

This sound alright? It sounds like an awesom setup but I dont want any stocking or aggression issues
Only issues I see seethe ram and krib, but if you provide specific territories for both you could probably be good. Start with just a krib and wait about 2 months, and if she seems semi aggressive add a gbr, but if she I constantly havering issues, get a male krib
Ok so how can u tell male & female apart while yung? Ive nevr seen them 4 sale over 2"
I'm not sure how to sex them. But ask a worker there. But they should be able to tell. What decor do you have? You should have at least 2 caves
Im still putting the tank together so Im doing sand substrate, moderate planting maybe in pots, I can put overturned flowerpots & rock and artificial caves, & maybe with floating plants
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