New betta tank... Possibly!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
I'm looking at upgrading my betta, Ninja, to a Fluval Spec 2 gallon. Will this be too much water movement to keep my little guy happy? I'm just wondering because of the built in filter... Thanks everyone for your responses :cool:
I have my betta in an Aqueon Evolve4 and he loves it! I have the pump turned down as low as it goes which is fine for him
And what do you do for a heater? Or does the motor of the filter generate enough heat to keep a couple gallons at the right temp?
I have a 7.5 watt slim hydor heater. It works great keeps the tank about 78-80 degrees consistently. It fits perfectly along the back wall beside the pump.
Tetra1990 said:
2 gallon tank? IMO, the minimum tank size for bettas should be 5 gallons.

I agree, 5 is a smaller tank for a Betta, ten is even better, a 16 bow front desk top tank is super-duper!

For what it's worth you need to observe your Betta to judge how he responds to current. My fish is hyper sensitive and he has a baffled 10i running in a 29 gallon, but many Betta owners report their fish tolerating current or even "playing" in it. My fish showed horizontal stripes, fading and frantic escape attempts.
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