New betta!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 29, 2011
Just got a new betta today. Im a first time betta keeper so any tips help. How often should i feed?
Depending on the food you got, i feed 3 time's per day, 1-2 pellets.
Keep it at a good temperature(Research according to the type you have), enough tank space(2-3 gallons+), give it affection and keep the water changes. Regulate the flow on the filter. They aren't messy fish, and are very colorful fish.
Good luck!
Their stomach is the size of their eye, if that gives you any idea. They bloat easily. Let us see it! :)
Bettas are quite hardy. Make sure the water temperature is on the warm side, say 80 degrees, and throw in some floating plants. I feed mine the same foods I feed my other fishes: Omega One flakes, freeze-dried bloodworms, frozen foods, shrimp pellets, etc. The flakes are a staple for him.

Bettas are really cool fish. 5-10 gallon tank is best for him. Water temp should be 78-80 degrees. The water can't have heavy movement. They aren't real good swimmers and struggle a lot with strong currents. I prefer flakes, but pellets are fine to feed. Just a few. They will happily eat more, but then they bloat, and that can cause other problems. Bettas are shy fish. They need caves and plants or they get stressed and just sit there. Give him a few hiding places and you'll see his personality come out.
My betta is a bit spoiled.. But once I found out he was extremely docile.. He's now in a 20 gallon community tank with lots of plants. They love plants :) I feed him once a day during the week & twice a day on weekends usually because I'm home when the lights turn on. I feed him full spectrum pellets.. It's a little more expensive but it's amazing for their color. I also treat him with frozen brine once a week or so. Make sure to do weekly water changes.. 20% or so. :) if you have any more questions let me know... I did LOTS of research once I bought mine!
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