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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 9, 2017
Just recently set up my first tank, a 20g standard sized, a little over a month ago in our little boy's room. It has almost completely cycled.

Ammonia -0
Nitrite- .25

Nitrates fluctuating somewhat. Ammonia has been a steady 0 for the last 3 weeks and nitrites have been gradually dropping the week or so. I have 2 pearl Gouramis, 1 Opaline Gourami, 1 Golden Gourami, and 4 corys. May quite possibly upgrade to a 29 gal as the gourami's grow. I think I jumped the gun and stocked it too full to soon but as of right now everything seems to be going smoothly. Have quite a bit of water sprite and plan to add some more plants in the future.

I am thinking about doing a 75 gal in my office in the future. Not sure what i'm going to do but it will either be another tropical tank or maybe even a native tank.

Saw this forum and thought I would check it out as I know I will have lots of questions as time I enjoy looking at aquarium pictures! :fish2:
Any advice or suggestions on the 75g would be appreciated!
I have livebearers (platies & swordtails), corys (salt and pepper, & panda), neon dwarf rainbows, & blood fins in my 75.
You could have a community like that, or if you want native research black banded and banded sunfish (both stay 3"), Florida flag fish (don't know much about), or least killifish.
I would return all but one Pearl Gourami.
Gouramis are territorial. The Opaline and Gold are just color variations of a 3 Spot Gourami. They can get quite nasty.

I think a 20g is too small for any of those Gouramis. IF you'd be setting up a 75g soon, you could hang on to a Pearl for now. But overcrowded Gouramis get stressed and either die from stress or get attacked. This happens once fish settle in and want to breed.

I have a Pearl G in my 55g. He uses the whole tank.

What species of Cory ? They have diff requirements.

Kclee, I'm in exactly the same spot! I started two 20g for my sons. So fun (and addictive). One thing we have really enjoyed is having livebearers that get pregnant. Fun to learn about the reproductive cycle, and a good learning experience for kids.
I'm a fan of Harlequin Rasboras. You could have a nice group of 8-10 in your 20g once you rehome the Gouramis or at least all but one.

If you want a Gourami that can stay in a 20g , look at Honey or Dwarf Gouramis.
I'd still stick to just 1 tho.

My issue with Livebearers is dealing with the Fry. I don't want my tanks overstocked and not all kids can deal with them getting eaten.

Plus I've had tanks for years, so I'm out of my Livebearer phase. I loved my Sailfin Mollies and Red Swordtails tho. Had a 55g for them.
I guess it says something about my sons that they weren't observant enough to notice how many dozens of fry there were and how few ended up living. They were so small and fast that my kids enjoyed it but were ambivalent to the "eating the offspring" issue. :)
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