Newbie lookin for some tips

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 13, 2007
Hi, my name is Chris, and I'm an Aquaholic.

It all started about 5 weeks ago when I finally decided to get back into keeping a tank.....and boy am I havin fun!?!?!?

Ok, let me start with the facts.....list of stuff:

72 gal bowfront
Magnum 350 pro (just returned in exchange for a Filstar XP3)
In-line heater
Yeast driven Co2 (rated for a 40 gal tank)...temp till I can afford a real kit.
Eco complete substrate and probably some sand or natural gravel for contrast (split design with natural plants and stuff)
Coral life compance single strip 130w light
And some other stuff to help maintain the tank...Python, magnet sponge thingy, thermometer, and a few other little things.

I was planning on adding live plants....which really took me out of my comfort zone and is what is causing me such distress. There is WAAAYY too much info out there and I'm having trouble sifting out what I really need to know to get myself started.

First question.

1) Am I missing anything from the list above?
2) Will the Co2 kit give me enough for a short period of time or am I just wasting time and money (would doubling the bottles make it better?)
3) Any tips on planting or maybe a link or two that actually shows pictures on how to aquascape ( I know there are millions of sites...just none actually show how to set one up)

I already have much of my stuff on hand and I'm getting anxious to set up...however, I dont want to fall into that typical Newbie blackhole...

The CO2 is a waste of time. With your light you probably do not need it. As far as aquascaping goes, do what you like. It is your tank, you have to look at it not us.

Put the tall stuff in back, shorter stuff in front, some wood and rocks to break it up. Have fun with it.
I was planning on adding some low light plants, however, I also wanted to add some Riccia Fluitans. The Riccia is listed as High light, and I was hoping that the addition of some Co2 would at least make up for the "missing" wattage...
You could easily grow Riccia fluitans in your tank if you're going to float it. If you want to grow it submersed, I doubt that even Pressurized CO2 would be enough to make up for insufficient light. You might get lucky, so it's worth a try if you can get some at a reasonable price.

I suspect that the CO2 kit is one of the many DIY CO2 in a pretty package products. If it's the one I'm thinking of the diffuser is supposed to be fairly descent. You'd be able to improve it's performance by adding additional bottles (about seven 2 Liter bottles, or three to four gallon bottles) to the system. While the system is rated for 40 gallons, the target ppm CO2 is actually much lower than you will find recommended around here which is why so many more bottles are necessary. While it's possible to do DIY CO2 on that size tank, most people find it more hassle than it's worth.
it was more of a bandaid till I came up with the $100+ bucks to spring for a semi-auto set up....however, I wasnt sure if it was even necessary with my current light situation. I was planning on some Java Fern Narrow leaf and some Vallsineria Nana....I just wanted some low ground cover and was convinced that I didnt stand a chance with HC....even if I could get my hands on some... I've seen some really nice tanks while doing my research and believe that I may be shooting to high for my first try.
In that case I would recommend not bothering with the CO2 at all. Try looking into the Marsilea sp. (Clovers). The Marsilea Minuta in particular doesn't require a lot of light and would make a nice forground carpet.
ahhhhhh......the MINUTA!!!!!!!

Thats the one!!!!!!

thank you thank you thank you thank you.....

How is it that I never came across that one??? I've been looking around for weeks for something like that....I kept coming across HC and realized that I really didnt have enough light to get the effect I was looking for...this seems to be quite similar.

I'm crossing my fingers and going to check it out a bit further.

Thanks again!!!!!
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