Parasite control question..

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 1, 2004
I am thinking of adding corals and even a clam to my tank in the near future. I have batteled ick for the past 8 weeks and gone through the QT tank with my fish and left the main fallow for 8 weeks as well.
My question is to avoid introducing ick and other parasites to my tank again, what do you guys do to make sure nothing slips in...and I speak of corals and such. I have heard most corals you can do a quick fresh water dip and then drop them into the main...But say on a claim, what can I do to prevent disease that might be in the water from the LFS or even on the claim itself?
Mainly, make sure they come from tanks that are fishless. Thats your best bet.
Or qt them if they come from a system that houses potential hosts (fish).
my lfs keeps a school of green chromis and a few other damsels in his frag tank but they have been in there since they were tiny.
Check the filtering system. Some LFS have multiple tanks on a single filter setup. New fish into a tank that is 2 tanks away can infect the corals in the frag tank if they share filtering system.
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