Pearl Gourami Breeding Pointers?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 16, 2009
I am currently trying to breed my pearl gouramis who are in their own seperate tank with no other fishies to disturb them.
They are being fed on a mix of frozen bloodworms, frozen brineshrimp and flake food.

The depth of the water is 5" which is what other sites said is the correct depth for breeding gouramis.

I have also turned my filter off this morning to see if this promotes bubblenest building by the male.

My question is this, is there any other things i can do to promotes the male to build a nest.

Thanks in advance :D
I would have to do a little research to check if there is anything else but i don't have the time right now but i know that they like making there bubble nests in live floating plants or plants that have there leaves and what not going all the way to the surface.
I also have plants going to the surface but nothing seems to be happening with them, they have been in there for quite a few weeks, roughly 6-7 weeks, so i am just taking a guess that either they just wont breed with each other or they are just not old enough as i have only had them for a little over a year. Im going to swap them with my Gold Gourami this week who i am sure are old enough cause they are quite large :D
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