Plant ID

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 30, 2005
I got this plant thinking it was a ruffled sword. It was in pretty bad shape, most of the leaves looked algae-ravaged and brown. It has perked up a lot and sent out heaps of new leaves, and it definitely has a ruffled sort of look to the leaves, but the more I look at it, the more I think it's not a sword. The leaf structure looks more like an Aponogeton, but it doesn't have a bulb.

Also, most of the leaves that have grown have come out sort of... stuck together. Like it's *trying* to be ruffled, but the edges kind of get stuck or something. I keep expecting them to pop out into a ruffle, but they don't. Don't know if that's part of the plant, or a deficiency or something?

Any ideas?


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If it sends out runners, then maybe a Vallisnaria. If no runners, then maybe an aponogeton that just lost it's bulb.
How tall is the plant? It does look like a ruffled sword to me, but it's pretty young and small. Mine is 20 inches tall, and has ruffled leaves, and as it ages, like mine, turns nice shades of copper as well. Really neat plant if it is a Ruffled Sword.
i didn't think vals had a central stem on the leaf. plus, the leaves are on very small stems - they dont grow right from the base like a val. can bulb plants grow without the bulb? i thought the bulb was the whole point - like, if the bulb broke off, wouldnt the plant die and the bulb sprout a new one? i don't know much about them!

at the moment it's about 15cm tall. i suspect it will get bigger, but i'd love to know what it is so that i know just *how* big, and where to place it in the tank.

edit: after further research, i'm almost sure it's a young Aponogeton crispus. this plant unlike other Aponogetons, grows from a rhizome and not a bulb. i honestly don't remember noting a rhizome when i planted it - i might uproot it and have a look to make sure. but i think it must be this.
They have a semi-rough texture, with ruffled edges along both sides of the leaves. The smaller leaves are generally green, but the older growth get's a beautiful copper to them. the leaves are roughly about an inch and a half wide, with the main vein going up the center, and several veins going out from the center vein. New growth comes in from the center of the plant, and the older growth is the outer leaves. Also, for texture, the veins give it a ribbed look as well. Not smooth at all. A very beautiful plant, but be aware, they get BIG. LOL.
gar, i edited my post at the same time as you posted :p

the leaves on this have no other veins, apart from the thick central vein. it has a slight 'cell-shaped' texture to it, if that makes any sense. new growth comes randomluy - sometimes in the centre, sometimes at the outside.

i'm pretty sure it is A. crispus. time will tell, i guess. it suits my purposes - i already have a giant sword, two would be too many for my tank!
As it gets bigger, you should start seeing ribs going out from the large vein. It just might be too small to see them. Will see how it develops, and will be able to tell what it is for certain when it's a little bigger, I would think.
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