Planted Betta Tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 22, 2013
For Christmas, my sister really wants a Betta, so my parents will be getting her one, and I'm in charge of selecting some of the stuff (she has some picked out) It is going to be a 3g cube (~10x10x10.5 or so) and I want to do it dirted with black gravel or sand on top. I was hoping to do it along the lines of the Walstad method, so dirted and heavily planted. I think there will also be shrimp (prob. just ghosts), maybe snails, and a small chance of two white clouds (although this most likely wont work out since there will be no filter). So anyways... I am looking for plant ideas. I was thinking something like anarchis, java moss, mini chain swords, frogbid or duckweed, and more.
If you have ideas or help in general for this, please talk. :) thanks
Bettas LOVE frogbit roots! Also, any wide leaved plants tend to be much appreciated as napping spots. Moss is usually a big hit for shrimp to forage and hide in while molting. In general, stick to low-light plants obviously since the frogbit will make it pretty dim, plus bettas aren't really fond of bright lights.

I recommend sticking to just the betta and shrimp/snails, as minnows like cooler temps than bettas plus would put your parameters out of whack pretty fast in such a small tank. Depending on the snail choice they may be a little heavy on the bioload too, so ideally just go with the betta and shrimp. The Walstad method usually is done with lower bioload, not a heavy one.
Bettas LOVE frogbit roots! Also, any wide leaved plants tend to be much appreciated as napping spots. Moss is usually a big hit for shrimp to forage and hide in while molting. In general, stick to low-light plants obviously since the frogbit will make it pretty dim, plus bettas aren't really fond of bright lights.

I recommend sticking to just the betta and shrimp/snails, as minnows like cooler temps than bettas plus would put your parameters out of whack pretty fast in such a small tank. Depending on the snail choice they may be a little heavy on the bioload too, so ideally just go with the betta and shrimp. The Walstad method usually is done with lower bioload, not a heavy one.

thanks so much!:thanks: :dance::thanks: sounds good. I assume it would it be ok to add snails from my tank(not a mass multiply kind, so maybe nerites) if there was algae outbreak?
If you have an algae outbreak (doubtful if you have shrimp in there already) then yes, it should be fine to move one nerite over just long enough to get things back under control. Make sure you tweak your feeding/lighting regimen at the same time to ensure you don't get another outbreak once you transfer the snail back though ;)
If you have an algae outbreak (doubtful if you have shrimp in there already) then yes, it should be fine to move one nerite over just long enough to get things back under control. Make sure you tweak your feeding/lighting regimen at the same time to ensure you don't get another outbreak once you transfer the snail back though ;)

K, I doubt it will happen based off of the conditions it will have, but I just want to be sure.
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