Plants for a tank that gets sunlight

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 7, 2011
Huntington Beach, CA
I moved one of our tanks into a different room and it's in a spot that gets about 1-2 hours of direct sunlight in the late afternoon. I already have anacharis in there and have never had an algae problem in that tank but I'm worried that I might soon. Are there any low tech plants other than java fern that stay "short" so I don't need to rearrange my setup too much? I had a bunch of wisteria before (I think it was at least) and I enjoyed the look of it but it began to grow very tall.

Java moss would grow short and you could attach it to things, or just have moss balls
How well do java moss and moss balls hold up to mystery snails? The tank of mystery snails at Petsmart has been luring me in the last few trips.
I wouldn't do moss balls, sorry I meant balls of java moss.

They should be fine, i don't think they'll eat healthy plants
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