Plants to go with Angelfish?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 30, 2012
Hi everyone. I have a 20 gallon tank that I just set up a couple of days ago with Flourite. It also has a rock ornament in the center, and 1 fake plant in the corner. I plan on getting 2 baby angelfish. What would be good plants to put in here? I know the amazon Sword plants and the Java Fern would be good, but what else? Water Wisterias?
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I keep whatever plants will grow in the tank based on its conditions (substrate, lighting, filtration, etc.). I've never had any problems with my 13 angels bothering any of my plants. I currently have rotala, swords, crypts just to name a few. Also, I recommend keeping at least 3-4 angels. When they get larger, they may develop an attitude toward one another and keeping more will keep this a little more stable. Just my thoughts.
Well for subtrate, I am using SeaChem Flourite. For lighting, I am using LED lights (they came with the MarineLand kit). For filtration, I am using a Marineland Penguin 150 (came with the kit). I plan on adding SeaChem Flourish.

I know I can only keep low light plants.
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