PLEASE HELP. Goldfish gasping at bottom

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 22, 2016
Hi Iv just had my 4 year old gold fish die and a week before I got him a friend who is now sick. There must be something wrong with my tank . Maybe it's black algae which ️iv been trying to treat. Although iv been told that it's harmless . It's a 45l tank with one fancy goldfish . Tests seem normal although GH seems a little high. I'm treating for swim bladder and giving salt baths because I don't no what else to do. I Want to do Epsom salts incase it's dropsy but is it a bad idea if GH is high. He's spitting peas out and often liying on his side. When in salt water he looks like he's got dropsy with out the bloating and his gills go crazy.There are bubbles in the tank and yesterday I did a 25% water change with tap conditioner . And anoth small one today He's not so floppy today but this gasping when he sees me is new. Also had slight spasms earlier
He's stunting probably. Goldfish get really big and its recommended a min of 30g for one.

Have you ever heard the tale of how fish grow to the size of their tank? This is actually true with gold fish as they release hormones into the water in order to "sense" how much growing room they have. What happens when they have to little is that they slow down their outer body growth. Thing is there major organs don't stop growing and slowly suffocate them from the inside out. Soon you have a 3in fish with the organs of a 6in one

As for the new one, depending the type, it was most probably sick when you bought it
45liters is only 11.8g
Way too small for Goldfish.

Try to get the Goldfish into a larger tank or container. A sturdy plastic bin can work.

Test your tank water.

For now I'd do large daily water changes. 50% or more.

GF grow FAST. If they can't grow, they stunt and die.

Your ammonia prob spiked when you added a second fish.

GF are poop machines and need large volumes of water to stay clean and healthy.

30-50g with a filter rated for 4x the size of tank would be a long term solution.

I'm not trying to beat you up. There is a lot of bad info out there about GF

SolidGold on youtube has awesome GF vids. She raises show quality fish.


Second pic is a baby like you'd get from the store next to a 1yr old fish.
Sorry about the confustion this is the new one only had him 4 weeks. Could this happen so fast?? There wasn't a spike as ️️iv been testing the water while the other one was sick as he was my baby �� I was going to get another tank but cause the other one died I though a 50x30x30 tank would be ok. The gasping actully looks like he's trying to get rid of something . Could it not be that he's swolloed some sand . My other one did it all the time then spat it out. I also notice the one food looked like it had mites in it or something even though I always seal them ,could this have not caused an issue. Also the lid of the tank had a build up of something which could have been falling in the tank. Do you think stunting is the only possible answer ? I never want fish again �� please let me know if this video is coming through ???
What is tank temperature ?

Sorry I don't have answers for you.
There are many things that can effect GF. The video did not come thru. I'm using the app on my phone for this site.

We've all made mistakes and lost fish. Please don't give up because you lost your buddy.

Throw out infested food, or you can try freezing it. Stunting is not the only answer.

What do water test results show ?

"8. Rapid / labored breathing: Breathing problems are identifiable by observing the patterns of the gill movements. A goldfish breathing fast commonly are suffering from lack of oxygen. If you are keeping your goldfish in a bowl (which is a big no-no; see Common Misconceptions), there is no water agitation and insufficient water volume for a goldfish to breathe. The fish will breathe hard in an effort to maintain sufficient oxygen levels. If this is the case, please move your goldfish into a larger tank as soon as possible. Rapid breathing could also be a sign of stress, especially if it is accompanied by sitting at the bottom of the tank. Stress could be caused by being moved to a new habitat after a long ride in the car from the pet store. Breeding season sometimes heightens stress on female goldfish, which become exhausted after being chased around for hours by males. But stress is also caused by poor water conditions or disease, so always check the water quality and, if there are no problems with it, gill flukes or nearly any other parasite may be the culprit. A goldfish experiencing difficulty breathing may frequently clear its gills by “yawning” repeatedly."
Try to get an air pump. Did u know that goldfish gulp a lot? It's normal
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