Please help.. I'm worried about my tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 23, 2011
A few weeks ago one of my danios starting 'flicking' or rubbing on the sand, he then had some of his find change a brown/orange colour, although he's eating fine and no change in behaviour. More recently my other Danio and one of three Platys started to do the same thing. The pet shop keeps checking my water and saying to just leave them and they will recover, but they don't seem to be getting any better and today one of my ghost shrimp can't walk it's jumping around as it tries to swim and falling onto it's back when it tries to stand. I feel like this is spreading through my tank and the pet shop won't sell me anything so I don't know what to do!
Do any of the fish also have white cottony growths anywhere? They might be smallish. If so, there's a chance it's columnaris, which can wipe out a tank really quickly.

I agree that we need to know your exact readings..... that's always where we start.
I don't have anything to test my water, I just usually take it to the pet shop where they test nitrate, ammonia, ph and something else. They said everything is fine... Is it worth me buying something to do this myself? The fish themselves look perfectly healthy and normal, the Danio is the only one looking any different. I thought maybe fin rot but other than the colour the fins are fine.. The pet shop suggested mating colours? The shrimp has died.. I'm not sure if this is related or something different. What's the best next step for me to take? If it is to buy something to test water could someone recommend what to buy please, thank you.
It's always best to have your own test kit. This way, you are able to test at a moment's notice when you observe a problem, like you do now. Also, some lfs use test strips to do the readings, or have employees who don't know what they're looking for. Both will give inaccurate results.

Most of us use the API master kit. This kit costs about $20-25 and will last through hundreds of tests.

How often do you do water changes/gravel vacs? Have you changed out or cleaned your filter media?
I did water changes once a week 10%, but the pet shop recommended doing two water changes a week of 10-20% which is what I've been doing for the last week. I have sand so don't have a vacuum to clean, is there a way I can clean sand? I rinse the filter media in tank water every week with the water change, but haven't replaced anything recently. I'll look online for the testing kit - hopefully I can get that here in the UK
I'm starting to not trust the advice you're receiving from the lfs. I do 50% water changes weekly and I have sand substrate and my fish have no health issues. If I were you, I'd do 50% weekly. You are right in that with sand there is no gravel vac per se, however, you can still hold the vac about 1/4 inch above the sand to get any debris off.
Thanks for the help, I will get a water testing kit and vacuum and try bigger changes to see if that helps! Thank you

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