Plentiful Pictures of Pearling Plants [*Bandwidth Warning*]

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Howdy Travis,

Do I even need to comment on how awsome those shots look. Everytime I look at your tank I have some crazy dream about starting my own Cichlid tank. Plants make fish happier and more colorful, and those are some of the best looking Cichlid I have seen.

Very nice as alway ;-)
Awesome shots Travis...
I tried a Crinum calamistratum when I first set up my tank.
It didn't last very long.
I have read that they are prone to melt once they are disturbed.
How long have you had yours?
I love that plant and will some day try it again.

What is the ground cover in this pic and is it coincidental that it has that semi rounded right side.........or did you plant it in a pot or something?
The rounded side you see is the right side of an oval mirror to which I have attached Riccia fluitans. If everything works out it will look like a pond of water at the bottom of a waterfall. I don't want to post any full tank shots until I'm sure that things will work like I think they will.

C. calamistratum is a very easy plant to grow. Just put it in your tank (the bulb anyway) somewhere that it won't be disturbed very often. It will grow well in 1-1.5 wpg with no problems. Leave it alone and it will flourish. It's one of those plants that does best when you just forget about it and let it go on its own :)
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