popeye help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 1, 2011
Dallas, Texas
Alright one of my corya has gotten what i believe to be popeye. I first noticed his barbels were gone, then a little bit of redness around the area. I thought this was strange as i have gravel. Then i noticed slight gill redness. And when i went into my room today both of his eyes were bulged out.
I put him in my qt and tested the dt water.
Ammonia and nitrite were both 0, which confused me. I didnt bother testing nitrate yet as it is exhausting.
Could the popeye be caused by nitrate?
All of my other fish appear fine.

Please help, input is welcome
I just went through something similar in my tank. One of my fish had pop eye on one eye. Everything that I researched showed it could've been caused by either an injury to the eye or in your case where both eyes are effected a parasite/bacterial infection. I treated mine with jungle parasite clear and the salt treatment with the heat raised.
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