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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 30, 2011
So about 4-5 days ago my Poor little Piggles' eye popped right out so right away I ran to the pet store and picked up some MELAFIX which I was told, and read, would be the best to help him. And while its gone down, its still there. And after looking more at it, it seems its just the little bubble over his eye now. Hes acting pretty normal and eating... When my other fish doesnt take it all first. But Im new to all this and Im just wondering what I should be doing?
Any help would be great!
Clean water is the best cure for popeye if it's from dirty water. Popeye can also be caused by internal parasites.
Poor water quality is the primary cause of many fish illnesses, it stresses the fish and stressed fish develop weakened immune systems which leaves them susceptible to all sort of diseases and parasites. do regular partial water changes and if you don't have test kits take a sample of your water to your lfs for testing. I hope your fish soon recovers.

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