Probably a dumb question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 31, 2017
Eastern Washington
Since it is late fall/early winter my turtle tank's heater is having a hard time catching up. Its only in a 29g right now (i plan to get a larger tank soon), but i have a preset 29g rated heater but its a bit cold for her i have a spare 150w heater that could definitely heat it up to the right temp (and more). But could i temporarily switch the heaters and set the temperature on the 150w heater lower than what it needs to be because it heats up so fast and if it was set the the correct temp it would over heat the tank. Like i said probably a dumb question and my mom propably wouldnt want to get another heater for me :/
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Watts only represent the volume of water it can heat.
I would think a 150 watt heater will heat to the same or close to what you set it to.
I would set it to the tank temp now and gradually raise it to the turtles desired temp over the next couple days carefully.
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