For Sale: Random clippings and snails

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 26, 2011
Please message me as I will probably not look back at this thread.

Have some random clippings for sale that it'd like to get rid of fast along with a small golfball sized marimo, 2 blyxa japonica,6 red ramshorn snails, 6 blue ramshorn and 6 mystery snails. $15 shipped wrapped in wet paper towels and double bagged in a small flat rate box.

Mostly anacharis, a golf ball of java moss and some subwassertang, and another golf ball of peacock and two other plants I'm not sure of name.
this is the two colors of mystery snails that I have. Ones kinda magenta and the other is blackish. You will receive 3 of each color.
I will also include 6 or more mts snails and some large duckweed if you want.

No DOA guarantee but I will include extras of each type of snail just in case. If I find anything else I'll throw it in.
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