RCS and plant ferts

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 10, 2013
I read that red cherry shrimp don't like copper .. Seachem flourish has copper in it. What do y'all dose for your planted tanks that doesn't hurt the shrimp?

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What about other metals like iron

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The main worry with metals is when they're part of a medication.

Copper sulphate is the base of some medications, either to treat Ich or kill snails. It's highly toxic to shrimp.

Iron isn't one I've heard of in terms of causing problems but if iron levels are too high, it can cause issues with plant growth.

If you are concerned, you can get tests for iron and copper, but the amount in most ferts, especially those made for planted tanks, are not anything to worry about, nor are copper or cast iron water pipes.
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