Red Fin Shark

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 17, 2006
South Dakota, USA
My sister has two red fin sharks they are getting to big so she wants to give them up. A co-worker is taking one and I want to take the other. I will take the 6 1/2inch one. They are starting to be aggressive to each other and defending the small territory they have. lol

I want to see opinions on if it would fit in with my current stock. I worry about

1) How well my pims will take to another aggressive fish in the tank. They are really mellow and never have had aggression in my tank. Yet.
2) If the shark will terrorize the tetra.

55gl tank.

1 6 1/2" spotted pim
1 6" white pim
1 5" vampire pleco
1 4 1/2" common pleco

12 various tetra
1 apple snail
They will battle with other fish that resemble them and they may have issues with any bottom dwellers. It is tough to say if you will have issues or not. I would bet that you will, but it is worth a try.
Thats what I worry about too. My vampire pleco is rather grumpy heh he shares a log with a spotted pim just fine but will shove her out at times and doesnt tolerate my common hanging out over in his area either. How I know he is feeling better!

I will try it next week and see if they can all play nice with one another.
I think red fin sharks are the same as rainbow sharks, as all the fins are reddish, where the red tail shark only has a red tail. For your setup, you will have no problems with either a red tail or a rainbow, whichever it is, once territories are set.
I have a red tail shark in one tank and a rainbow shark in another tank. Both are young and small. The red tail shark only chases the bigger fish in the tank its in. The rainbow shark on the other hand chases every fish i have in the other tank except my pleco. Both usually start the chasing when I feed the fish and about 30 min after the feeding they settle down a bit.
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