Red tail Homiodus

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 10, 2014
My friend wants a school of redtail hemioduz for his 30 gallon
Tank specs: filter: ac50
Stock: 5 guppies, 6 cherry barbs, and 2 platies
Lightly planted

Could he do this? :fish2:
Hmmm, not too familiar with the species myself, but from what I'm seeing on my usual research sites a 30g is a little on the small side. They're very active fish that reach up to 6" long and do best in a tank that's at least 48" long (so around 75g or larger) so they can burn off their energy.

Here's a good link with more info:
Hemiodus gracilis (Slender Hemiodus) — Seriously Fish
Hmmm, not too familiar with the species myself, but from what I'm seeing on my usual research sites a 30g is a little on the small side. They're very active fish that reach up to 6" long and do best in a tank that's at least 48" long (so around 75g or larger) so they can burn off their energy.

Here's a good link with more info:
Hemiodus gracilis (Slender Hemiodus) — Seriously Fish
Thanks for the help!
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