Rehoming costs-advice?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 8, 2010
Dallas FT. Worth Area
I have to find a new place for my 6 year old Burundi Frontosa. He's almost 6" long and in great shape. I had to get rid of two obnoxious cichlids. I may not have moved the tank around enough because he ate my other little cichlid's tail off. He was in bad shape- couldn't stay horizontal. Ya know how the fish'es tail ends slowly start moving to where they're almost vertical? So, I jammed the tank up with rocks and gave them both plenty of places to hide and chill out. I made a special area that the smaller fish could only fit and he could rest without having his rear raising over his head- pretty hard to do. (He's not much smaller than the Frontosa. It's just the Frontosa is more aggressive.) I left the lights off for the majority of the next few days until the fish's stub was looking better and he had a better chance to get away. Right now, I have a 3-4" pleco, a 12" pleco, the smaller fish (can't remember where he's from or what kind he is) then I have the Frontosa.

I put up all my fish equipment, NLS Food, and even two other tanks on CL. O have tons of Holey Rock and slate too. Some pieces of rock are very hard to find. I have no idea what kind they are.

I had a few people interested but one guy wants the Frontosa and all of my rock. I didn't expect that but he's got a few 100 gallon tanks so the Frontosa (male) will be much happier. The man was super excited and asked me what everything would cost. I had no idea what to say. I bought my guys when they were less than an inch. I've slowly added rocks to my tanks for years.

What do I do to decide a price?

I want to add photos but I can't from my phone so most of my cichlid photos are online (Photobucket). Sorry that I can't share them here.

I plan on buying a bunch of Mbunas when I get some cash. (I'm totally broke- like lose your house kinda broke. I love every cichlid I ever had. I just want to let you guys know that I'm not a professional seller or anything.

Please ask me questions or offer any advice. I hope you don't mind that I posted this.

Thanks for your help.
Whats your photobucket username? You can put photos on here from photobucket using the code. What all are you trying to sell? The holy rock may be worth selling seperately, as that stuff is crazy expensive.

Craigslist prices very by location. Around here, tanks go pretty cheap. I got my 150g with glass lids, lights, fluval 405, heater, stand, and a few other things for $225. Other places, that same setup would go for about $500-$700... It really all depends on where you're at, and whether anybody really wants the setup you have to offer. Pics and a list of everything you're trying to sell would help get an estimate for you ;)

BTW, Welcome to AA :)
Okay. I added some pictures. I'm not sure where they are on this website though. How many photos can I add and where is the best place to upload them?
if they are already on photobucket you can just post the forum link and it will show up here. you can put 8 pics per post i believe.
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