Rocks Vs Sand Vs Nothing?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 18, 2012
I have four Mollies currently living in a 45G bow front tank... Right now I have no rocks or sand on the bottom, just the glass.. I'm wondering if that is OK or do fish require something on the bottom?

I chose not to put anything on the bottom because originally my Mollies were in a 10G with rocks but it was very hard to keep clean as their waste and excess food would hide in the rocks, the tank would look clean so I always thought it was, but it really wasn't.

So anyway, I find nothing on the bottom a lot easier to clean because I can actually see where I need to suck up waste & left over food! But I'm not sure if rocks or sand is necessary?

I read that waste will sit on top of the sand rather than get mixed in like gravel, is that true?

Thanks for your help!
Waste certainly will sit atop the sand making it easy to clean. A thin layer of sand on the bottom of most tanks looks fantastic.
that is true, the gunk/poop sits on the top of the sand. I also have ghost shrimp that seem to help with the gunk aspect of the yuck. The reason for a substrate is fish sometimes freak out that they "don't feel the ground below them". Some people spray paint the underside with paint to simulate the ground and makes the fish feel safe. Snails such as Malaysian trumpet snails stir the sand and help keep your tank clean, and aerate it.
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