running a cannister filter with a wet/dry system

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 4, 2004
i am going from FW to SW. i have a couple of brand new cannister filters that i bought a while back for some FW projects that did not happen. at any rate, i recently bought a 75 gal that i want use for my SW tank. i have been reading about the wet/dry systems.

my question is, can i run my cannisters inline with the wet/dry? i plan to have LR and LS so i guess that will take care of the biologicals and, perhaps, i can dispense with the bioballs. since i have these cannister filters around, i would like to make use of them. i know that i could probably just use cannister-only filteration, but i like the 'sump' for maintenance purposes and to hide a skimmer.

btw, the cannisters are a fluval 304 and a magnum 350 (both are new and still in the box).
inline? probably not. Not knowing the flow rate of the caniseters and the fact that most of our sumps pump alot more water thru them per hour than any canister I have seen will lead to problems. Of course you could run them in parallel if you wanted. You would need to be relegious about cleaning the canister though as it would collect nitrates.
In addition you could run the canister filters with out media and use them as secondary water circulation pumps.
They will also give you a place to run carbon every now and then. I'm looking for a cheapie to put in just for that purpose.
sorry not ebaying them. i will keep them for my next "project"! (too many projects, not enough time)

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