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evil Nick

Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 9, 2014
So at one of the LFS I hit the owner asked if I ever treat with freshwater salt.
I said no and he said I should try it. I picked up a cheap box of api freshwater salt. I was going to use a partial dose until I double checked and it said it may harm some plants.
I have
Java fern and moss
Moss ball
Banana plant
Would a small half or 1/4 dose help or hurt anything? Should I bring this back?
Im more looking into overall fish health lately after some odd platy behavior. If it worth trying should I put it in the water as it says it does not evaporate or maybe place some in my filter basin?

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Using Aquarium Salt

Hello Nick...

If you want to treat your fish for general health purposes, then a rounded teaspoon for every 5 gallons of treated tap water is enough for egglayers. I keep mostly livebearing fish and they like twice this amount. Mollies, up to a tablespoon for every 5 gallons.

A tablespoon is likely a bit much for most aquatic plants. I keep the less demanding aquarium plants and Chinese evergreen in my tanks and all are fine with a couple of teaspoons.

Aside from plants, there are also quite a few fish who won't appreciate salt in their water. Livebearers like it, but many others, including catfish, loaches and tetras, will not.

There is a very old, die hard idea in the aquarium hobby that adding salt to tank water is somehow a tonic. Some keepers do it because they've always done it and don't see any harm in it, but it so much depends what fish or plants you have. But as an everyday additive, salt is not necessary at all.

For fish who originate from very hard or brackish waters, it can be useful to have a bit of salt in the water. It's also useful for treating some illnesses. But simply to add it because it used to be thought a 'tonic' is not a good idea.
The legend of using salt as a preventive has proven to be a myth. There is no reason to do so.

You should only use salt if you are treating a specific condition that salt can help of which there are only a few.

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