Sand Turning Pink Good Or Bad?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 19, 2011
Today i got home and i see my sand pink, Like i said before it was brown before but now all the brown went away, and now its turning pink, what can be the cause of this? is it a good thing or a bad thing?
sounds like Cyano algae, its just something that happens in new tanks. The brown is usually the beginning stages of it, then it will turn a pink/red color.
ohh ok, cause i quess it wont do no harm to my tomato clown, because i had the fish in it during the cycle and he was just fine, the only thing he wouldnt eat. but not he breaths normally and eats normally. and swims like hes in the ocean as happy as he could be :p
I take it then you finaly got those nitrits down? Glad to hear ur clowns in good shape
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