Sarpaes are mean!!!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 16, 2012
Ok so I used Sarpae tetras to cycle my tank and now that it is cycled I upgraded to a 50 gallon and go 2 powder blue gouramis. My Sarpaes refused to leave them alone so I gave them to a friend. What are some good school fish that are none agressive but still look cool?
I too cycled my 75 with serpaes because somewhere it said they were good tank mates for angles NOT. Took them back.
I've never heard about serpaes eating fish scales, mine never did.

Mine were also not nippy but I also kept a nice large school of them. My serpaes were kept with other tetras of the same size and attitude like red eye tetras. As aqua_chem asked, if your school was not large enough, you would have an issue. That's basically true of any tetra.

Do you have anything other than the serpaes?
It's good you rehomed the serbae's. As for stocking you can do neons, cardinal tetra's, rummy nose tetra's, diamond and lemon tetra's are both good. Look into rasbora's. You could even do 1 or 2 angels but don't put neon tetras with angels as they will be on the dinner menu. If you want to go alittle different, look into rainbow fish. You can get a school or Cory cats or some loaches like yo-yo loaches for the bottom. Stay away from clown loaches as they will grow too large for your tank. There are also small top level fish such as hatchet fish and threadfin rainbows to give upper level movement. You have all kinds of options.

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