Schistosome parasite in aquatic snails?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 26, 2020
So this is random, I have 2 mystery snails and 4 nerite snails in my aquarium. My husband sent me this article about a deadly parasite that effects freshwater snails called schistosome that kills people. The article was about people from Asia, Africa, ext and that the parasite enters through your skin. Does anyone know about this? Please tell me I’m not long to get a deadly parasite from cleaning my aquarium.
Lol, I mean... don’t drink the water or eat the snails and you’re going to be fine.

It’s common in areas without access to clean water among kids because they’re more likely to drink / play in unclean water.

I can’t promise you 100% that it’s impossible for you to get some parasite from your critters but basic hygiene is really all you need to avoid this. Wash your hands when you’re done; honestly you’re more likely to get sick stepping outside your house than from cleaning your tank.
If it makes you feel better, even if you DID get this two days of medication and you’re fine. This really isn’t a problem in parts of the world with good access to medication.
Yikes! The article did say it goes through the pores in you skin and I’m always reaching in there to feed and also clean. Let’s hope for the best and I won’t let my toddler touch the water.
As above - I’d think you would have to be really unlucky and have never seen an aquarium thread (touch wood!) popping up. I think some people do wear long gloves just as a precaution.
Side note: If you have an immune disorder of any kind than more precautions are wise, of course. But even so a couple days of antiparasitic meds will wipe that right out so I wouldn’t lose sleep over it.

And yeah, if people were getting parasites from their aquariums I’m pretty sure we’d have heard about it.

The one I have heard about is fish tb which can apparently cause some Issues in people, has been reported rarely. and if you work in the tank with an open wound there is risk of bacterial infection just like if you put an open wound in a pond. As I said, take some basic precautions like not sticking an open wound in your tank, but other than that if you have a normal immune system it’s really not something to worry too much about.

(I do have my PhD in biology, for what it’s worth, so if it makes you feel better a doctor said you’re gunna be fine :p)
Ok, aquarium snails like mystery’s and nerites are bred in aquariums, so they are not exposed to the parasite found in Asia. Importing a snail could cause infection but they are easily bred and sold.
I did some research on this, and apparently schistosomiasis is only transmitted by like 4 or 5 species of ramshorn snails (and as far as I can tell, none of the ones commonly available in the aquarium trade). Other snails - mystery, nerite, MTS, etc. - don't contain schistosomes.
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