separate f/w & s/w for photo contest

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 28, 2002
Honolulu, HI.
This is just my two cents, and maybe no-one else even cares, but I would like to have the photo of the month contest separated into one for s/w and another for f/w. I just think that there may be someone out there who has a really cute guppy or molly, but may not enter the contest because some big bad mushroom thing will blow it out of the water. s/w is very pretty and more folks take shots of them. It's hard to compare the two, and both have their own beauty. I'de like to have 2 be honored for the very different taste. An oscar would be awesome as photo of the month or even just a tiny neon, but would do better in my opinion not next to an extravagant reef fish. Are there any freshwater people out there who would like to enter, but feel a bit like the competition is to much? Does anyone else think the two would be better separate? Just my opine. :lol:
Topic moved to it's current forum
This is certainly an interesting idea, and I do believe it would get more fw entries...but I'm not sure it's feasable to have two photos on the front page. We'll discuss it and get back to ya'll. We may modify the idea, or implement it, or even start a poll to get more feed back.
As a guy who has STILL not posted a single pic :oops: , here's my idea. If you can't do 2 pics on front page, 1 month salt, next month fresh!

Splash is right, that reef stuff is too hard to compete with!
michealprater said:
i agree. that is a very good point. whaddaya say fishfreek?

Or more appropratly whaddaya say fishfreek & reefrunner69 ;)

This is my stance and I am sure kevin will say the same thing.

We (me and Kevin) simply run this site and keep things in order. The site is really made up by you the members. If the members want two contests then we will do two contests. We will listen to all suggestions on how to implment/manage the contests.

If its more popular option to alternate freshwater and saltwater entries then we can do that. If its to have smaller thumbnails on the front we can do that. If its to have the images alternate (have to figure how to do it first) we can do that also.

Maybe we take the images off the front page entirly and give them their own page?

What ever we do we have about 2 weeks to get it figured out so we can implment the change for the next month contest.
Naw, don't take them off of the front page. I personally enjoy the idea of alternating months. It adds to the suspense of the month. :)

Superb idea Melissa!!
I personally think we should have a winner for both the categories, each & every month. Two thumbnails on the homepage would probably the be the best way of doing it.
It's good, because IMO, reef & marine aquariums, are, by default, naturally a lot prettier, so categorising is a pucker solution !! 8) :)
Grant R said:
categorising is a pucker solution !! 8) :)

Grant, please explain what the heck a "pucker solution" means to this dumb Yank.

I'm not up on all the British sayings these days!
I rather like the idea of a link (at the top somewhere) for the winners, and for the pic on the home (front) page, use random pictures from the gallery. There are pics there that are really great, but never entered in the contest. And you can use f/w or s/w pics for the random pic on the front page.
That gives each winner a whole page for the picture and more info about themselves and their tanks. :silly:
right now the random photo block is broke :( its due to how the new front page seperates the script aspect from the html aspect.
keep any ideas on this subject comming.

Kevin and I talked last night and you can look for a poll to go up maybe this weekend on this subject.

Is it possible to do a repeating slide show for the photo of the month? Then you could sho S/W for a few seconds, then F/W then Pond... whatever.... Fish, invert, coral, plant.

Photo of the week? alternating F/W and S/w... is that too much work for you? I'm ignorant of how much work you two do behind the scenes.

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