sick clown

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 24, 2005
I have a clown that looks like maybe she was injured? The right side of her face is red and looks like it maybe swollen. SHe is not eating and hides. At first I noticed that her behavior had changed. The two clowns never leave there hosting spot. A week before she stopped eating she was wondering around the tank and not sleeping in the same spot. At first I thought maybe they were nesting because the smaller clown became very aggressive, he even bite me when I was cleaning the inside of the tank walls. But now my larger clown is sick. I have had these fish 3 years.

125g w/125lbs lr
hob filter,skimmer

2 clowns tank raised
blue powder tang

2 large hermit crabs
It sounds like some type of injury. Just keep an eye out. You might have to treat for a bacterial infection if it gets worse.
I know about using garlic to get them to eat, but that doesn't seem to be working. How long can they go without eating. is there a way to treat him other than thru there food? I haven't moved him out of the tank yet. I have the tank separated off so that only the clowns are on one end. I have a ten gallon that i can set-up if i need to but I think that moving them stress them even more. If i need to move him to medicate I will.
Do you have a QT? Maybe get the little clown in a seperate QT by itself in order to watch it , let it have time to heal by itself and treat for bacterial infections if needed. Also being by itself in a QT will allow it to get more food. Try some frozen or live foods if hes not wanting to eat. Those will usually tempt most fish. Most fish can go a while without eating, but we should try to find out why hes not.

Post a picture if possible, so we can see whats going on and try to help more.
I have a ten gallon that i could move her to but I was trying to avoud that if I could. She I swimming around a little now and comes out when I feed. I haven't actually seen her eat anything. She has a knot on the side of her face that was red before. I moved the two hermit crabs to a tank by themselves ( the ten gallon). I think maybe one of them got her while she was asleep. I moved them cause I know that with her being weak they would mess with her. The other fish aren't bothering her. What can I put in the tank to help her heal? Thanks so much

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