Silver Dollar

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 13, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
Rest in peace my beautiful silver dollar fish. I had all three of them probably 10 years, so they are close to the end of their lives.

Last night I could tell something was wrong with my baby, this morning she had passed. I'm so sad.

Ahhh, sorry you lost one but WOW that's a long time to have fish you obviously were doing things righ & gave them good lives.
You obviously took very good care of them to have lived so long, its sad when a pet that old passes but what matters is it had a good long life.
I read up on them and their life span is approx. 10 years. They become part of the family, they were my 3 muskateers, my 3 amigos, the 3 stooges when they acted silly. I am going to miss my baby, and I know that sounds stupid especially when it comes to a fish. However I raised them from teeny babies to big fish, we've been through thick and thin together. LOL

Rest in peace my friend.
........AND thank you to the 2 people that responded, because after thinking about it 10 years IS a long time for a fish to live, so instead of beating myself up, I'm going to be glad my fish was in my life for such a long time and be happy.

thanks again.

send warm weather!!:dance:
Any Silver Dollar that lives that long without dying of a heart attack or neurotic breakdown has led a blessed life so congrats and condolences :) :(
My daughter thinks it was more like 8 yeats, but that's still quite a long time.
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