splitting up fish

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 21, 2012
Not sure where this would go but I have six Goldies In a 55 gallon aquarium all juveniles. When my other 55 gets empty ill be splitting then up 3 with 3 and maybe buy one more for each tank. Ok, I have 2 ryukins 2 orandas a black moor and a pearlscale. How would you guys go about splitting them up? Would you have one of each kind I'm one tank or both in each tank? Ex( oranda with oranda or ryukin in one tank and the other Ryukin in the other tank? Since one of the 55s won't have any decor I was thinking the pearlacale and black moor for that one? Sorry if this is confusing but any ideas would be helpful! Thanks!
I'd keep the ryukins and orandas in one - moor and pearlscale in the other. Then buy up to two more for the tank with two fish, but make sure they are similar fancies. My reason would be that the ryukins and orandas most likely are able to get to the food faster.

If you are wanting to do three and three for the bioload, then I'd put both ryukins and one oranda in one of the tanks.
Ok I was thinking of adding a ranchu those are slow enough to go with the moor and pearlscale right?
Ok I was thinking of adding a ranchu those are slow enough to go with the moor and pearlscale right?

Yes, they would be in a sub-group that I would call "delicate" fancies - either because of vision or finnage - that would have a hard time competing with orandas and ryukins for food.
Ok and have any idea what the 4th one could be in the tank? I want 4 fancies in each.
If you like ranchus, get two of them.

Don't know if you are familiar with telescopes, bubble -eyes or celestials...

Do a Google images search on fancy goldfish and look at the photos.

ETA: With a new 55, I think if you are doing fish in cycle, you might want to wait to add your third and fourth...
No it's a tank that had koi in it and when they go out to the pond ill split them up.

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