stocking options. roseline sharks?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 28, 2012
I've just been thinking about what I'd like to put in my new 138 litre tank once its cycled (am in the process of doing a fishless cycle). I currently have in my smaller tank which will be moving into the 138 litre:
5 male guppies,
2 albino cories
And 1 female bristlenose pleco (had to take her off of a friend as she was stressing his male bristlenose. She's currently about 4 inches I'd say)

When they move into the big tank I want to definitely add some more cories as I know they should be kept in higher numbers. Was thinking of getting 2 more albino cories and 4 panda cories, so I have 4 of each? Would this be too many or okay?

I also really wanted some roseline sharks but am unsure if they will harm my guppies because at the shop I finally found them they had a 'semi agressive' colour sticker but everytime I've researched them they sound peaceful and say community fish?
I'm also hoping to get either some white fin tetra or bleeding heart tetra.

I'm not planning on adding this yet or all at once, just having a think :) so what are peoples thoughts on the compatibility of the fish I've mentioned? Mainly roseline sharks. Thanks x
I have Denisonii(Roseline) barbs in a tank with Rummynose Tetras, and some Alestpetersius Negropterus Tets. The Denisonii don't even look at the Tetras. I keep a group of 6 together.
I think one of the most peaceful barbs out there.. Mine just swim all day long, and never bother any other occupants.
Thanks for the replies :) so if I was to try getting some when ready how many would you advise getting for a 138 litre tank to keep them happy and hopefully ensure they leave my guppies alone? My tank has quite a lot of plants (fake ones at the moment) and ornaments which I'm trying to use to create nice hiding places incase they need them and if I got them I'd still keep a very close eye on them just incase they did start on the guppies or anything else and would have to return them if they did. I'm sure a roseline shark is what my sister has in her smaller tank with lots of male guppies and neons though which is why I was suprised with what the shop said about them not being able to go with guppies x
I think 138 litres is a tad small for these guys as they are super active and fast growers. I personally wouldn't put any in there.

If you must , I would get three young ones and swap when they get larger.
I don't think they won't fit. But I would only do one. Maybe two. You might be able to keep one permanently. These are some of the only barbs which don't need a school.
Thanks for the advice. If a lot of people think I shouldn't get them due to tank size then I won't cos I want them to be happy. But if I am able to get them I would love to. I am hoping to get a bigger tank at some point next year but can't say for certain because I have to find room and convince the parents lol. So how manyy do people think would be okay to have if any? I didn't realise they didn't need a school. Are 2 likely to fight? The ones at the shop are still quite small but I understand they can grow to 4.5 - 6 inches roughly? Most of my other fish are gonna be bottom dwellers (cories and pleco) so hopefully there should be lots of room to swim. The tank is 3 foot accross
Thanks for the advice. If a lot of people think I shouldn't get them due to tank size then I won't cos I want them to be happy. But if I am able to get them I would love to. I am hoping to get a bigger tank at some point next year but can't say for certain because I have to find room and convince the parents lol. So how manyy do people think would be okay to have if any? I didn't realise they didn't need a school. Are 2 likely to fight? The ones at the shop are still quite small but I understand they can grow to 4.5 - 6 inches roughly? Most of my other fish are gonna be bottom dwellers (cories and pleco) so hopefully there should be lots of room to swim. The tank is 3 foot accross

1-2 I think you could get away with! No two aren't likely to fight.
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