Strange illness?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 11, 2017
Hello! I'm new to the forums, I occasionally visited when I Googled questions about my fish! I decided to join beacuse this community seems pretty neat.

I have a lyre tail Molly with a strange grey flakes on its head, and it's fins look rather "bony"
I use an aqueon 75 filter and have a 29 gallon tank, since it looks like a fungus I've been treating with melafix and pimafix, he was itching earlier a few days ago but he's stopped since treatment started.
I added 2 new guppies (one male, one female) a few days ago, but added stress coat and melafix while they were in quarenteen. All fish in my tank are:
2 killifish
2 Algea eaters
1 albino baby Cory
2 guppies
1 sword tail
The lyre tail guppy
2 neon tetras
And a 2 month old Molly fry.
My tank temp is 77.1 but it usually fluctuates between 72- 78 (due to hot weather recently) and I feed him omega one and aqueon tropical flakes [emoji20]
I'm not really your go to guy regarding aquarium fish diseases, but over the years of keeping fish occasionally outbreaks have occurred.
In my opinion your Molly has Oodinium / velvet disease.
I only dealt with this ailment once and successfully treated it without medication.
- keep the light turned off. I even covered the tank with a blanket. This bug needs light.
-turn up the temperature, 86 degrees.
-gravel vac. Every other day for 10 days. 10% - 15% WC.
This worked for me.
This is a very common disease and easily researched. I'm not sure if the medication you are currently using will help much. There are a lot of meds out there designed to treat "velvet"
Hope this helps.
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