Striped Damsel Won't Eat

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 22, 2011
My striped (humbug) damsel won't eat. It used to be the first one up to the top of the tank when i put the food in, and now I'm not sure if he eats at all anymore. His colors are somewhat more dull too. Any help would be much appreciated.
You might try soaking your food is garlic some fish it works on and others won't touch it.
How do I soak it? Can I just press some garlic and put it in water and put the food in it?
They have garlic guard around here at the LFS. I don't know what is available where you are.
It seems to be doing better. I didn't try the garlic though. It did just recently move from Its normal location becuase another fish kicked it out. Maybe it was just stressed. That's the only thing i can think of. It still just hangs out at the bottom but It's moving around more.
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