Suitable Plants

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 20, 2010
I really want to add some live plants in my tank (all plastice at the moment) but I would appreciate some views on what's suitable. I have a 60 gallon hex tank, light and timer, with guppies and platties. I've added some Cladophora Moss Balls and they look ok.
I don't want to add anything that the fish won't like. Is there any do/don't advice on what type of plants to add.

Thanks in advance
The plants you can grow depend on your lighting. I assume you have stock lighting (came with the tank). You could try some Java fern, Anubias, and maybe Cryptocorynes and see how they do. Most likely with a tall tank like that, you'll need to upgrade the lighting to have some variety with plants.
If you've got an incandescent light fixture, the easiest upgrade is to screw in some spiral CFL bulbs. The daylight CFLs really make the tank look nice and they'll give you a lot more light than regular incandescent bulbs.

Try anacharis. It's cheap, it grows tall and fast, and it's really hard to kill.

Thanks for the advice folks. I did replace my lid & light a short time ago with a newer version which gives a better light. It made quite a difference.
I'm on the hunt now for some plants. I guess I'll add one type at a time to see how it goes.

Thanks again
check out anubias crypts java ferns and moss to start with and work your way from there. what kind of light did you get?
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