Sulfur stench coming from live rock?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 27, 2011
Okay, so after my tank crashed, killing everything other than a few hermits, snails and a yellow tailed damsel, I decided to start over from scratch. As I was scrubbing my live rock with a toothbrush under fresh water, I noticed some white areas under the bottom side of some of the rocks. It smelled strongly of sulfur. I tried scrubbing as much off as possible, but couldn't get it all off. Does anybody know what this is? Should I use a hammer and chisel to chip off these pieces, or leave them alone? :confused:
if your fw rinsing your lr you could just let it dry out and see how that goes. sorry to hear about your crash.
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Does anyone know what could cause this sulfur smell? And if so what could prevent it?
could be gasses from anaerobic bacteria. could also be that something shifted the sand around that area and it released all the nasty gasses the result from them. like a dsb that got stirred up and could be what killed your tank.
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