Switching Tanks

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 3, 2011
Right now i have a 29 gallon tank thats been running for about a month or so. my cousin is going to give me his 55 gallon tank. so i have a couple questions

1. how much would that tank weigh so i can have a stand properly built.

2. how would i go transferring everything. just siphon the water from my tank now into the big tank..

I only have 2 fish left now. the pleco was found outside the tank today ( can they jump out of the water??)
Count on 600 lb or so for a 55. If you have a stand custom build, you might consider making it deeper (front to back) & good for 1500 lb or so. Then you can have up to a 90 or a 120 in the future. <And over building is never bad ....>

At 600 lb or so, you need to consider placement as well. It needs to go across joists, preferable over a load bearing support wall, or as close to one as you can make it ... otherwise the floor may sag.

To transfer without creating a new cycle -
1. Move all the substrate, decor, plants, etc. Everything that is in the tank. <It will be easier to have fish in clean buckets with your tank water during this time.>
2. Move & run the filter of the 29 in the 55. Run it with the 55's filter for a few weeks before removing it. <keep the filter wet in tank water at all times ... more buckets!>
3. You don't have to move the water - there is not much good stuff in it. It is easier & better to start with new (dechlorinated) water in the new tank.
4. Transfer the fish from the buckets to the new tank after it is all set up & temp is up. <If you can do it in a couple hrs, the fish can just stay in buckets, any longer, & it is better to run heaters & the filter in the bucket. I once had my fish in a 30 gal bucket with filter for over a week while I do up the new tank.>
5. check levels for the next few days in case you have a mini-cycle & need to do a few pwc.

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