T5 Light Quality vs Cost

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Feb 7, 2013
Perth, Australia
Looking at getting a small T5 HO light. Is there much difference in cost versus price? I would pay more if one was cooler or reflected better but assumed the light housing is just a frame for the bulbs and they are all much of a muchness?
If you use it for growing plant i will go with the t5

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The big thing to look for with T5HOs is the reflectors. Cheaper lights have a single reflector for multiple bulbs. This lowers the PAR output of the fixture substantially. Look for fixtures with individual reflectors for each bulb and highly polished reflectors. Most of the most common ones out there now days have individual reflectors, but some non-aquarium type fixtures for t5ho's do not...
Aquatic life makes some of the better t5ho fixtures out there. I'm very happy with mine and they are also quite affordable. The reflectors in them are amazing.
Thanks all, will check out. Also wondering how long bulbs will last if I run them say 8hrs a day roughly?
Thanks again! One last question I had was is there any advantage to using T8s? I've read they may run a little cooler but otherwise T5s seem much better for compactness and light penetration? T8s are common at most of the shops and online stores I've been looking at here but I can't figure out why. I guess price was a bit cheaper but otherwise couldn't see any benefit?
T8s and T12s are pretty much the standard fluorescents for the last couple of decades. T5HOs are becoming more popular in a lot of applications though including industrial lighting because of the enormous amount of light and compact size. For aquarium applications they certainly provide much more PAR (Photosynthetically available radiation) than T8s. The wattage per foot is much higher.
I should throw this out there though too: LEDs are overtaking t5hos as the preferred lighting source for planted and reef tanks. Upfront the cost is higher but they last much longer, use less energy, and due to the nature of the light (point source vs flood) provide a really pleasing shimmer effect in aquariums. I switched both FW and SW tanks to all LEDs a few years ago and never looked back.
I must confess I have LEDs as my preference but they cost a lot over here and are mostly marine. I had a look at hydroponic lights but couldn't find the size I wanted to fit under the hood with everything else. The t5 tides me over but one of these years I want to try ordering from the BML website as it looks like they ship international. One year soon :)
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