Tank Maintenance

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 21, 2012
My cycled tank is going a week w/out any measurements being out of whack. At this point I don't necessarily think it will go for 2 weeks but my question is how often do you change the water for clean tank maintenance? and if the readings are fine how much?

What is your stock. I recommend doing at least 20 percent a week. But you might have to do more it depends of your stock and how fast your nitrates rise. I try to keep them under 20.
I'm cool with 10-20% once a week as a matter of fact more than once a week might be nervewracking for me. But I also don't want to do it if it is unnecessary.

Nitrates are currently 10-20 right now and it is due for a weekly water change tomorrow. ATM Stock is 4 Corys, 6 Neons (soon to be 5 more Red Eyed Tetras and 1 Black Neon too!).
How big is the tank. As your nitrates rise you will have to do water changes 20 percent might be enough a week it might not. As your fish get fully grown you will be able to see how much a week you need to do.
calfishguy said:
How big is the tank. As your nitrates rise you will have to do water changes 20 percent might be enough a week it might not. As your fish get fully grown you will be able to see how much a week you need to do.

So is it based on your water test results and specific to each tank?

This one is a 28. I hope to fill out the tetra school and move the red eyes to a 75 when it is cycled. And maybe leave the black neons in the 28. Not sure.
And is a sign when you see ammonia, nitrites or nitrates above 20? And/or a pH shift?
Fish In Tank Cycling

My cycled tank is going a week w/out any measurements being out of whack. At this point I don't necessarily think it will go for 2 weeks but my question is how often do you change the water for clean tank maintenance? and if the readings are fine how much?


Hello j...

When I cycled my first tank, I checked for ammonia and nitrites daily and when the water tested positive for even a trace of these pollutants, I changed 25 to 30 percent of the water to return the properties back into the safe zone for the fish. I cycled with some Guppies and they survived the process with no trouble.

The key is to test daily and change the water immediately when you get a positive pollution reading.

If your tank is cycled you should be seeing no ammonia or nitrites and your pH should not be changing. But if your nitrates are rising above 20, I'd do a PWC. I usually do 30% a week on my 29 gallon.
Great information. Thanks everyone! Love this forum!

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