Tank maintenance

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 3, 2011
Sunny South Florida
I do regular water changes and all the other husbandry that needs to be done. I have a question about the sandbed. Should I be doing any kinda of maintenence on that? I have yet to do anything with it and my tank has been up since December.
Any suggestions?
No. Your clean up crew should handle most of it. Make sure u have good flow in the tank too. that will keep detritus from settling on the sand bed.
Ok reason i ask is i am starting to develop gha and Cyano. They both started in the fuge and now I have a little patch of gha in my dt. I turned the lights off on my fuge for about 2 weeks and it cleared up. I turned them back on a couple days ago and the cyano is coming back.
I feed every other day and change 30 gallons every week (rodi). Dt lights are on from 8am to 5pm.
I was thinking of running gfo or bio pellets, but I read somewhere they are bandages and I want to fix the source.
A lil help please?
Gfo is a bandage, but it's an everlasting bandage. You don't really need to fix the source IMO. If your dosing vodka, and before your nitrates were at 100 and now 0, why stop? You'll be fine with gfo. And why would you turn the fuge lights off? You want it growing there instead of the DT. And a blackout certainly isn't a solution. What are your exact parameters? Tank size? What do you feed? Quantity? Stock?
120 Gallon tank. 2 Green Chromis, 2 Ocellaris Clownfish, 1 Sailfin Tang, 1 Coral Beauty.
I feed 1 cube of frozen brine, or mysis, 2 small pinchs of New Life Spectrum THERA +A regular formula, or 1 half sheet of San Francisco Bay Brand Sally's Seaweed Salad Green Marine Algae every other day. Not all of those, but one of them every other day.
130# LR, Trigger sys ruby 36 elite. Reef Octopus XS160
I clean 1/3 of my sand bed with each PWC i have nass snails that keep it stirred but i feel it helps By cleaning only 1/3 at a time it gives the rest of the bed a chance to reseed the part i cleaned

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